The Lost Stone-Age Sequel
to Jack London's Before Adam
by George Sterling
Nicholas Ruddick, author of The Fire in the Stone: "I've just finished Babes in the Wood with very great pleasure. ... You have done some brilliant and hugely time-consuming archival work in putting together this collection. And the Sterling stories are certainly worth republishing, as they are every bit as good as better-known prehistoric fiction."
S. T. Joshi, editor of Complete Poetry by George Sterling: "The publisher Vince Emery has just issued a delectable item: nothing less than George Sterling's Babes in the Wood. … The Sterling stories are all entertaining and have never been reprinted; but the chief virtue of this book is Emery's own extensive 60-page introduction ... on Sterling's relations with [Jack] London [and] the writing of the stories."
Neal Hotelling, Carmel Pine Cone: "Be prepared to be surprised, as I was by a new book of Sterling's fiction, Babes in the Wood. Included with the fiction is Emery's wonderful deep dive into the relationship between Sterling and Jack London. ... Babes in the Wood is a book worth adding to your own library."
Donald Sidney-Fryer, author of West of Wherevermore and The Golden State Phantasticks: "Truly remarkable, if not marvellous. The introduction is worth its weight in gold."
In Babes in the Wood, acclaimed poet and playwright George Sterling tells the exciting adventures of two cave kids, a boy and a girl, growing from age 10 to young adulthood in a prehistoric tribe. The young troublemakers face saber-tooth cats, woolly mammoths, and other Stone Age dangers—including their tribe’s short-tempered chief, the boy’s father.George Sterling wrote Babes in the Wood inspired by his best friend Jack London’s controversial prehistoric novel Before Adam. Lost for more than a hundred years, this is the first book publication of Babes in the Wood.
Award-winning literary detective Vince Emery tells the unusual story behind the creation of Before Adam and Babes in the Wood in “Jack London, George Sterling, and Their Cave Man Chronicles.” “How Babes in the Wood Was Restored” explains how Emery pieced together Sterling’s text. This book also provides an entertaining tour of further reading choices for anyone wanting to learn more about London or Sterling.
Click here for the table of contents for this book. Click here to learn more about George Sterling.
With 17 illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull from Before Adam and 19 photographs;
200 pages.
Trade paperback, $19.95 U.S./$24.95 Canada, ISBN 978-0-9855053-3-2
First edition, first printing publication date July 20, 2020.
Second printing (corrected) 2021.Order Babes in the Wood from your local bookstore, major online booksellers, or eBay.